Perspekti - THINK-CELL SOFTWARE GMBH Programe Kompjuterike Germany
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Industritë që THINK-CELL SOFTWARE GMBH përfshin

Programe Kompjuterike

Detajet e kontaktit


Chausseestr. 8/E, Berlin, Germany
714 shikime


More than 500.000 users worldwide rely on our software for their daily business as it makes creating PowerPoint presentations so much easier, faster, and more enjoyable. Among our customers are many renowned consulting companies and large international corporations. think-cell was founded and is still managed by two computer scientists. We know what our employees need to enjoy their work and create great software. Most likely due to our academic roots, we are flourishing without program managers, meetings, and (of course) ties. We follow our own strategy and do not have to make compromises with regard to code quality and beauty, because think-cell is highly profitable and has no outside investors. Our leasing licensing model leads to continuous feedback and improvement. Rushed, marketing-driven deadlines are unknown because we only release the software when it is ready. think-cell encourages a healthy work-life balance. We do not work at night or on weekends, and support our staff's families with a full-time company nanny. She is available for free when children are sick, or if you just feel like spending an evening out.

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