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Industritë që Co-PLAN përfshin
Autostrada Tirane Durres, Kashar, Tirane
134 shikime
Co-PLAN is a non-profit organization that has contributed to sustainable development by enabling good urban and regional governance, tackling key environmental issues, developing civil society, impacting policies, and promoting community participation knowledge-making since 1995. At the core of Co-PLAN's activity is the work with people and institutions, to foster tangible social transformation and positive change on the ground by inducing change-driving knowledge in our society for smart management of our habitat. Co-PLAN fulfills this mission through means of pilot activities and advisory services financed by national and international institutions and direct involvement with communities, local government units and other non-governmental organizations in the field of urban and regional management, environmental management, and municipal finance. We are based in Tirana, Albania, and have developed a solid-project-outreach-network at a national, regional, and international level, including many of the Local Government Units in Albania, numerous organizations in the Western Balkans region, Europe, and beyond. You can read more on the history of Co-PLAN here.
The research and consultative work of Co-PLAN builts upon four expertise areas: namely Spatial Planning and Land Development, Urban and Regional Governance, Urban Environmental Management, with Research constituting a cross-cutting, shared feature by all three teams. Co-PLAN has a long-standing experience and an extensive research portfolio in matters pertaining to our thematic areas, particularly in the realm of environmental assessments, territorial management, preparation of strategic plans, and development strategies; preparation of urban regulatory plans; local government service provision; informal settlements integration, etc. Over the years Co-PLAN has implemented over 150 projects in Albania and the region, mainly funded by Funding Agencies and institutions, such as the European Commission, UNDP, USAID, the World Bank, the Dutch Government, the Austrian Development Agency, etc.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
AGORA Architecture Studio
AGORA Architecture Studio
Shkolla 9-vjecare Hasmashaj
Shkolla 9-vjecare Hasmashaj.
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Suita, studio,garsoniere te gjitha me kuzhina te kompletuara.
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