Perspekti - Kosovo Holidays DMC Agjensi Turistike Prishtine
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Kosovo Holidays DMC

Industritë që Kosovo Holidays DMC përfshin

Agjensi Turistike

Detajet e kontaktit


Bulevardi Nėnė Tereza, Prishtine
679 shikime


KOSOVO HOLIDAYS offers you the possibility to discover Kosovo, the youngest European state through its local office based in the capital Pristina. It is time to scratch that old image and tell a different story about this country, its cultural heritage, natural beauty and the hospitality that comes so naturally to the locals.

We can assist you to discover an enchanting country with rugged scenery good for walking, beautiful medieval churches with wonderful frescoes, attractive Ottoman-era architecture towns, rich traditions and delicious cuisine. Kosovo is emerging as a tourist destination and it is ideal for a relaxing long weekend or an excursion as part of a longer tour including neighbouring Albania, Macedonia or Montenegro. Kosovo Holidays offers professional tailor made solutions for groups & FIT-s, and can arrange tours, events and conferences in Kosovo.

Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme

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Kontrolloni vendodhjen dhe provojeni pėrsėri.
Kontrolloni komentin dhe provojeni pėrsėri.
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