Perspekti - Hotel Brilant Antik Hotele & Restorante Tirane
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Hotel Brilant Antik

Industritë që Hotel Brilant Antik përfshin

Hotele & Restorante

Detajet e kontaktit


Jeronim De Rada, Tirane
689 shikime


The hotel has little similarities with general style of hotels in Tirana. We pride ourselves on the unique classic style. Walnut wood is present almost everywhere and what makes it special is the wood being carved by hand piece by piece by traditional artisans. From furnitures to doors and stairways wood is everywhere together with special techniques that have been adopted to lower to minimom the risk of fire. In the tavern you will notice the presence of stone as it used to be in old castles and buildings of the ancient times. The pieces of stone that are exposed in the hotels Tavern, are fallen stones from over-2000-years-old Castle of Shkodėr in north Albania. Their shapes and curves impose a feeling of history revival. Classical paintings on the walls, are original unique pieces of art; colorful, lively and full of sensuality. Their frames are also made of hand-carved wood with an amazing individual style. The marble gives that luxury feeling that was missing. Very particular red and dark green marble has been brought from the north-east of Albania. At the end, a mosaic rich in colors but that holds a particularity because of the very different origins of stones used in it. It brings back antiquity.

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