Of honourable lineage (Farie sė ndeerme nė Kuntisė u bii) - Nikolla Keta
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Of honourable lineage (Farie sė ndeerme nė Kuntisė u bii) - Nikolla Keta

Vepra Of honourable lineage nga Nikolla Keta.

Vepra Of honourable lineage nga Nikolla Keta.
Vepra Of honourable lineage nga Nikolla Keta.
Nga: Xhesjana Topalli
Publikimi: 25/10/2017 22:53

Of honourable lineage in Contessa was born

Nick Chetta, a scion of the Albanian soil.

He went to Palermo, to the Albanian home

Which received him like a featherless bird in a nest.


It clothed him, girded him with manners, with wisdom,

In the heat it refreshed him with its shade, like

The vine-stock readorning its withered branches,

And now a priest, the church took him for her spouse.


Like a lost bird he stretched his two wings

In Palermo and Contessa, both here and there

He sought honour for the Albanians in all his writings.


Like a silkworm he exhausted himself

And wove, embellished and wrote this treasure

To enrich Albania in every possible way.

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