Albania Weather and When to Go
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Albania Weather and When to Go

Since it has coastlines on the Adriatic and Ionian seas, highlands, Albania experiences a variety of weather patterns depending on the area.

Albania has a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and generally mild winters, especially on the coast.
Albania has a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and generally mild winters, especially on the coast.
Nga: Xhesjana Topalli
Publikimi: 21/05/2017 11:49

However, generally, Albania has a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and generally mild winters, especially on the coast.

Throughout the year, there is abundant rainfall. Albania also has a lot of mountainous regions, where the winters can be very harsh with snowfall and low temperatures. However, in the coldest month, January, Albania is about 1.6 deg C (35 degrees F). In July, which is typically the warmest month, the weather reaches about 32 degrees C (90 degrees F). The dry period of the year is from June to September while it is predominately cold and wet from October to May.

The lowlands have milder winters and milder summers than the coast; in the coastal regions, the daily temperatures fluctuate more. Throughout, the nights cool down significantly; all tourists should bring warm clothing and rain wear during the winter; if traveling during the summer tourists should bring light, cotton clothes but also a light sweater for summer nights.

Since parts of Albania are on a fault line, there is a risk of earthquakes and tremors in the area. In addition, flash-flooding is possible throughout the year.

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