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Detajet kryesore
Pajisje Elektronike
1065 shikime
08-09-2016 12:56
- The mixers that make up the AME series are characterized by their compact size, robustness and operating possibilities.
- Are distinguished by the number of mono input channels (2 in the model AME 202 USB) or (4 in the model AME 402 USB).
- All other features are identical, incorporating additional 2 - channel stereo.
- Mono channels feature MIC / LINE input and + 48V phantom power for connecting condenser microphones.
- All channels feature 3 - band equalizer , send bus and effects.
- also have USB interface for running external MP3 files with function REPEAT.
- the internal cast is another of the features incorporated in these mixers, allowing you tocontrol the level of DELAY and REPEAT.
- also has headphone connection and recording output.
- Dimensions: 295 x 230 x 75 mm
- Weight: 1.5 kg
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