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Demi Hotel
Industritë që Demi Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Rruga Butrinti, Sarande
925 shikime
Welcome to Demi Hotel, an impressive contemporary hotel, just a few steps away from the sea. The Demi Hotel is the right choice for visitors who are searching for the combination of charm, quiet and a convenient position where the beaches and port meets the timeless Ionian Sea.
The hotel is arranged on three floors. On the ground floor, apart from the hotel, there is the indoor and outdoor restaurant in an elegant ambiance under greenery or at the seaside, where you can enjoy the buffet breakfast to start the day healthy. Demi restaurant offers a wide range of Mediterranean dishes from the Albanian, Italian and Greek cuisine.
There is also Demi Lounge Bar that comes alive in the evening with great music, summer parties and special guests. Relax during the day by the music played exclusively from our resident DJ.
The rooms are arranged on the second and third floors. They are furnished with care in a modern style, with a lovely sea view and spacious. In order to adapt to customer needs hotel holds twelve rooms of which two are standard double rooms, and ten are double rooms plus one sofa that made single bed (for one adult or two children aged from 0-10). The beds are king-size, and in general one room space is 20 square meters. All rooms are non-smoking.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Apartament nė Shėngjin
Apartamente shume cilesore dhe sherbim shume profesional!
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London H...
Darbar Restaurant
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Funfood sh.p.k.
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Advance Global Service sh.p.k.
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