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Ceni's Restaurant
Industritë që Ceni's Restaurant përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Detajet e kontaktit
Sami Frasheri, Tirane
679 shikime
Selling itself as a Mediterranean restaurant, Ceni's serves wonderfully fresh and original Italian and other regional food in a small basement not far from Grand Park. The owner is also a butcher, and his cuts of meat are some of the best in Tirana. With a changing daily menu you're never quite sure what's going to end up on your plate. If it helps, we recommend sticking to the pasta with additional meat for non-vegetarians. The working day business lunch is extremely good value for money.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Bianca Cafe & Restaurant
Bianca Cafe & Restaurant
Bar Restorant Tomi
Ushqimi tradicional bio, me i miri ne Surrel. Natyra fantastike dhe sherbimi shume i kenaqshem.
Gold Korca Hotel
Hotel Gold Korce ka nje kapacitet prej 11 dhomash te llojeve te ndryshme per te plotesuar te gj...
Select Hill Hotel - Bar & Restaurant
Located near the city center of Tirana, Select Hotel has rooms which are modernly furnished and...
Chakra Jone
Traditional Indian Cuisine prepared by an Indian chef.
Restorant Bosnja
Tradita Boshnjake...
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