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Kotoni Hotel
Industritë që Kotoni Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Donika Kastrioti, Tirane
864 shikime
Sleep in the heart of Tirana's administrative district. At the Kotoni the boutique rooms are large with high ceilings, modern facilities and effective soundproofing. The elegant hotel cafe terrace is where the who's who of Albanian politics comes to have coffee.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Pets & Partners shpk
Pet Hotel Tirana is A member of Pets & Partners Albania, International Pet Hospital in Tirana. ...
Eder Hotel
A small hotel with just five rooms of varying styles, all of them well enough equipped for trav...
Hilton Bandung
Set in Bandung, which is approximately 2 hours drive from Jakarta and features a comfortably co...
Godija Hotel & Suites
Hotel Godija & Suites ndodhet ne qender te plazhit me te bukur te Veriut te Shqiperise, ne Veli...
Ceni's Restaurant
Selling itself as a Mediterranean restaurant, Ceni's serves wonderfully fresh and original Ital...
Hotel Bar Restorant FROJD
In the shore of the sea, where the song of the waves and the sea breeze sweeten your days.
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