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IN2 sh.p.k
Industritë që IN2 sh.p.k përfshin
Shėrbime Biznesi
Vaso Pasha, Tirane
743 shikime
IN2 group was established in 1992 in Croatia and today is present throughout SE Europe.
The company is specialized in development, implementation and support of customized software solutions, IN2 ready-made products and implementation of standard business solutions.
IN2 Group covers various business areas, with the emphasis on public sector, financial sector and insurance, healthcare, telecommunication, enterprise and utility companies.
Today, IN2 group consists of 12 interconnected companies in 6 countries in the region and has more than 500 employees. Strategy of appearing on the market as unique group provides for the companies better positioning on the market in sence of human and technical resources.
IN2 covers various business areas in Albania and have competencies to offer you following solutions:
-vertical business IT solutions
-software development
-application integration
-support for standard business processes (ERP, CRM, EPM, DMS)
-technical and system support
-solutions for integrated security
-solutions for business continuity
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