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Hotel de Paris
Industritë që Hotel de Paris përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Brigada e VIII, Tirane
932 shikime
A boutique hotel set a lovely villa in the blloku featuring nice large rooms with wooden floors and balconies. Pick room Nr 4 if you want a bathtub as well, or one of the attic rooms for the wooden beams. The small, lush garden and the hotel bar with fireplace are great for relaxing. The hotel's location next to some popular bars means you may need earplugs during the weekend.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Apartament nė Shėngjin
Apartamente shume cilesore dhe sherbim shume profesional!
Hotel Ionian
Set in Dhėrmi in the Vlorė County Region, 45 km from Sarandė, Hotel Ionian features a children'...
Ostro Resort
In 2013 we introduced the world to Ostro Resort, the first and original luxury beach club conce...
Savana Hotel
A good budget option just south of the action and close to the US Embassy, don't expect award-w...
Hotel Marigona
Hotel Marigona ofron per pushuesit kushtet me te mira ne Shengjin.
Trip'n Hostel
Housed inside a colourful old villa surrounded by drab apartment buildings and run by welcoming...
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