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Seri Jakala ltd
Industritë që Seri Jakala ltd përfshin
Programe Kompjuterike, Shėrbime Kompjuterike
Sami Frasheri, Tirane
1781 shikime
Seri Jakala is the leading MARKETING SERVICES player in Italy and one of the top five in Europe with more than 900 projects managed each year. Positioning Seri Jakala is the top firm in Italy and one of the top 5 in Europe in marketing services. Our mission is: to help companies improve their top line through marketing performance projects. Focus Combining expertise in analytics, big data and customer insight, with the use of sophisticated engagement platforms to optimize marketing performance. This means that our success is directly contingent on the ability to produce measurable and tangible results for our clients. We share the challenge with them because we know we can help them meet it. Our Numbers 300 PROFESSIONALS 170 MILLION IN BILLING 400 CLIENTS 40 MILLION CONSUMERS INVOLVED IN OUR PROJECTS 974 PROJECTS Clients Energy/ Telco: a2a, Enel, Engie, e-on, iren, 3, vodafone, wind Finance / Insurance: Agos, Ducato, Allianz, American Express, Banco Popolare, CartaSI, Intesa SanPaolo, UniCredit, UnipolSAI FMCG: Bauli, Coca-Cola, Danone, Ferrero, Heineken, illy, Loacker, MATTEL, Mondelez, Perfeitti, Peroni, Philip Morris, Rovagnati, Thun Automotive: Audi, BMW, Fiat, GoodYear, Mercedez Benz, Mini, Piaggio, Pirelli, Renault, Phiag, Toyota, BMW Retail / Petro: Auchan, Carrefour, Conad, Coopt, Decathlon, Eni, Esselunga, LUKOIL, makro, MONDADORI, Q8, PENNY, SHELL, SPAR, TESCO, TOTALENG Where are we Milan, Turin, Brussels, Moscow, Madrid, Istanbul, Shangai, Mexico City, Albania
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