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Hotel Ferrari
Industritë që Hotel Ferrari përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Don Bosko, Tirane
849 shikime
If you happen to live in a giant orange wedding cake with unusual balconies and eat breakfast at home surrounded by purple walls then the claims that this hotel in the far northern suburbs of Tirana is a real home from home are correct. Clean, friendly and offering everything you need when it comes to what you'll find inside the rooms, Ferari also features conference facilities and air conditioning throughout. We're reliably informed that the in-house restaurant churns out a good Italian breakfast.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Restorant-Rapsodia Hotel
Rapsodia, njė ndėr restorantet mė tė veēanta i cili ofron rehati, qetėsi, traditė dhe momente m...
Juvenilja Castelo
Juvenilja Bar-Restorant-Piceri u hap ne vitin 1996 tek Parku Rinia.
Shume shpejt ajo tregoi s...
Vila Toscana
The perfect place for perfect events!
Hotel Class
Hotel Class is located close to Tirana -Airport and just 10 km from the centre of Tirana, situa...
ALER Hotel
Hotel and restaurant is located right on the stunning beach just a few fit away. Offering sweep...
Hotel Brian
Hotel Brian
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