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Arbėr Hotel
Industritë që Arbėr Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Bardhok Biba, Tirane
1155 shikime
Mercifully quiet compared to many other city centre hotels, the Arbėr is a great little hotel hidden in the streets east of Sheshi Skėnderbej. Inside, expect friendly service and small but well-appointed rooms.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
The Fish
The Fish Restaurant
Koha per te shijuar ushqimin tuaj
Fresh seafood & fish served
Bar Restorant Endrra
Tashme Restorant Endra eshte shtepia juaj e madhe e gatimit, ku cdo gje flet per nje mikpritje ...
Fish House
Prej vitit 2005, eshte nje ambient ne te cilin do te ndjeheni gjithmone ngrohte, si mes miqsh a...
Restaurant Motrat Binjake
Restaurant Motrat Binjake i njohur gjithashtu edhe si Europa 92, ka njė traditė tė gjatė nė fus...
Dinasty Hotel
Step into a world of ease and comfort and experience the finest in Albanian hospitality at Dina...
Destil Hostel Albania
What is Destil:
Destil is a combination of smart design and excellent service to maximize comf...
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