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Matrix Night Club
Industritë që Matrix Night Club përfshin
Lokale & Klube
Bedri Karapici, Qyteti Studenti, Tirane
996 shikime
A veritable monster of a club featuring a mix of live music of several genres and the chance to see real Albanian hip-hop acts. On two floors with a postmodern chromium balcony up the top, expect big light shows, smoke machines, video projections and the suspension of being able to have a conversation pretty much anywhere inside the building.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Univers Bar
Univers Bar
Bar The Wall
Bar The Wall ne Durres eshte nje nga baret me luksoze ku mund te kaloni momente lelaksuese dhe ...
Cafe Ideal
Serves breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee and drinks.
Mon Cheri sh.p.k.
"Mon Cheri" synon tė jetė kompania lider nė Shqipėri nė sektorin e kafeterisė, duke vendosur st...
Casa Bar Cocktails & Snack
Casa Bar ofron njė ambjent miqėsor ku mund tė shijoni kohėn e lirė me pjatat dhe kokteilet e ve...
The House Bar
The House Bar.
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