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Megatek Albania
Industritë që Megatek Albania përfshin
Qendra Tregtare
Autostrada Tirane Durres, Tirane
1335 shikime
MEGATEK SA is a company with shareholders, but with 100% Albanian investment. The legal representative is Mr. Arian Gjorga. Megatek SA is focused in operating at the wholesale and retail market, items which are focused for being used in public places and various individual categories.
Megatek SA operates since 2009 and is the only hypermarket in Albania of "Do it yourself" style.
Megatek SA is part of Teqja GROUP, which president is: Mr. Dionis Teqja. Over 200 employees take care 7 days per week to the sale more than 40,000 products from 50 different countries of the world.
Hypermarket offers products in the categories as listed below:
Working Tools
Electrical Materials
Hydraulic and sanitary materials
Building Materials
Gardening Materials Doors, windows, etc
Heating and Cooling
Tiles, flooring
Furniture and decoration
Kitchen and its accessories
Material for building infrastructure (water supply, roads, parks, etc.)
A variety of other articles
Megatek operates in a dynamic market and competes, increasing year-by-year its part in the market.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
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