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Pet shop Farmina
Industritë që Pet shop Farmina përfshin
Detajet e kontaktit
Mujo Ulqinaku, Tirane
1625 shikime
We are Italians. As Italians, everything we do centres on the love of the family. In our family food is very important and it keeps us together, and healthy. Love, care from the family and the attention and knowledge of dealing with food is what describes us, and is in our DNA.
Pets are in the heart of our family, and we love to see our pets happy. That is why making a happy pet is what motivates us to develop the best food for them, as we believe that nutrition is the key to improving and enhancing the quality of life for pets and their families.
In our everyday work science is utilised to improve the life of pets. Inspired by the natural environment of pets, we study their habits and behavior to respect their instincts and nutritional needs. By serving them with the best nutrition inspired by nature and science, we are supporting our pets all the way from the first days with their families to senior age. For us nature is considered as the most important and unique source of ingredients for the food we make.
Science permeates our routine with studies, collaborations, discussions and ideas that result in nutritional solutions
Nature is our inspiration, the Science our method. Farmina: Nature and Science in perfect harmony.
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