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Dr.Pendl & Dr.Piswanger People Albania
Industritë që Dr.Pendl & Dr.Piswanger People Albania përfshin
Shėrbime Biznesi
Rruga e Dibres, Tirane
1049 shikime
In 1980 Pendl & Piswanger (P&P) Human Resources Consultancy was established in Vienna. Since then the company has grown significantly into a consultancy offering a full range of HR services with particular emphasis on personnel and business development.
Since 1990 P&P has offices in Austria and throughout CEE. Currently operating 18 offices area-wide, P&P is regarded to be the first port of call for cross-border recruitment, trainings and consulting.
As a shareholder in InterSearch with 90 offices worldwide, P&P/InterSearch with a consistent international standard and its own training academy is amongst the leading 10 consultancies.
Consequently P&P stands as guarantor for high quality solutions in all areas of Human Resource Management.
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Biznes Plan
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