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Coca Cola
Industritë që Coca Cola përfshin
Prodhime, Ushqim & Pije
Autostrada Tirane Durres, Tirane
1499 shikime
Coca-Cola is the most popular and biggest-selling soft drink in the world.
Introduced in Atlanta in 1886, Coca-Cola was patented in 1887 and registered as a trademark in 1893. Coca-Cola is the best known product around the globe and according to some researches it is the second most popular phrase in the world after "OK". Coca-Cola was produced for the first time in Albania in 1994.
250 ml returnable glass bottle (RGB)
330 ml can
500 ml PET
1.50 L PET
2.0 L PET
Water, sugar,carbon dioxide, colorant caramel: E150d, acidifier: phosphoric acid, flavours, caffeine.
Guideline Daily Amounts help consumers to see how much energy and nutrients are present in one serving of a drink they consume compare to daily dietary guidelines.
GDAs are clearly displayed on the package label.
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