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Planet SA Branch of Albania
Industritë që Planet SA Branch of Albania përfshin
Shėrbime Biznesi
Donika Kastrioti, Tirane
862 shikime
PLANET ALBANIA, member of PLANET GROUP, was established in 2015 to further strengthen PLANET's dynamic presence in the country and in the neighboring region. PLANET ALBANIA builds on the strong international presence and long-standing successful experience of PLANET GROUP in supporting public and private organisations to strengthen institutional capacity, implement operations improvement and manage complex projects.
PLANET S.A., the basic company of PLANET GROUP, is privately owned, having as shareholders its top management and the National Bank of Greece, further strengthening the company's leading profile and prospects. Since 1987 PLANET has been present in most major interventions, transformations and infrastructure investments supporting clients across all sectors of the economy and the public sector.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Faqet e Verdha
Portali me i madh i Reklamimit Online te Bizneseve Kosovare!
Erui International & Superstar-WB
Erui International & Superstar-WB ofron sherbime biznesi.
Start Co
Start-Co. ėshtė njė kompani e re nė tregun shqiptar duke trashėguar njė pėrvojė tė hershme nė m...
Lumina Architecture Studio
Lumina Architecture Studio operon ne tregun vendas prej disa vitesh. Synimi i studios Lumina ės...
TUV NORD GROUP Kompania Gjermane Leader ne Bote per Testimin dhe Certifikimin e Kompanive dhe P...
Troci Business Center
Troci Business Center.
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Sharje dhe gjuhė agresive nuk lejohen nė Perspekti.