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Bankers Petroleum Ltd.
Industritë që Bankers Petroleum Ltd. përfshin
Energji, Prodhime
Leonardo Murialdo, Sheq i Madh, Fier
771 shikime
While we are proud of our achievements to date, we continue to focus on executing our primary drilling, expanding our product margin, and the application of enhanced oil recovery techniques. Bankers is engineering our momentum for many years to come.
Bankers shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) and the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) in London, England under the ticker symbol BNK.
Bankers Petroleum Ltd. (Bankers) is a Canadian based oil producer committed to building shareholder value through the responsible development of our world class heavy-oil assets in Albania. With our head office located in Calgary, Alberta, Bankers has built an experienced technical team that is applying western Canadian heavy-oil extraction techniques to develop Patos-Marinza, the largest onshore oilfield in Europe.
At Bankers, we work hard to position ourselves as the partner of choice for Albania to operate the Country's largest resource. Bankers has been able to use its expertise to produce more today than in the over 85 year history of the field. Over the past ten years Bankers has grown to be the largest foreign direct investor, the largest tax payer in Albania, and one of the largest employers. We have invested over 1.7 billion dollars in Albania, more than doubled our reserves, and grown production to over 20,000 bopd.
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