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Sideral sh.p.k.
Industritë që Sideral sh.p.k. përfshin
Importe & Eksporte
Autostrada Tirane Durres, Sukth, Durres
1052 shikime
SIDERAL S.H.P.K. is a one stop shop center for top quality construction materials, located on the 24th km of the main highway connecting Tirana and Durres.
SIDERAL S.H.P.K is a subsidiary of SIDENOR Group in Albania. The economic development of Albania over the last years and its future perspectives, along with SIDENOR excellent business relations with Albanian partners (for more than 15 years) has driven us to invest further in Albania and establish SIDERAL S.H.P.K. Its brand new facilities cover a total area of 55.000 meter square, 8.500 meter square of which are buildings. SIDERAL constantly invests in modern technologies with the aim to offer quality construction products with high standards of customer service, best work conditions for its employees and respect to the environment.
SIDERAL S.H.P.K., mainly distributes steel products of SIDENOR Group in Albania but also stands as a one-stop center for many other branded construction materials as aluminium products by ETEM S.A., ELVAL S.A. and ELVAL COLOUR S.A , copper, copper alloy and titan zinc products by HALCOR SA and SOFIA MED SA, cables by CABLEL HELLENIC CABLES , various steel products by SIDMA, PANELCO and ERLIKON.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
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Avex sh.p.k.
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DANA-B sh.p.k.
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Effe2 flex sh.p.k.
Fillimisht firma u krijua per tregtimin e dyshekeve dhe aksesoreve si produkt i gatshem qe vint...
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