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Kodak Moments
Industritë që Kodak Moments përfshin
Media & Publikime
Detajet e kontaktit
United States of America
622 shikime
We believe the moments we spend together are the moments that matter most - with the power to transform how we see each other, treat each other, and what we mean to each other.
Whether it's an afternoon fishing with an old friend, a night of karaoke where you meet someone new, or a sun soaked wedding day surrounded by family, it's our mission to help you remember these moments by giving you ways to print them for yourself, or share them with those you love.
Because from the big events that freeze time in its tracks, to the small and subtle and fleeting, these moments are special.
Memorable enough to share with those you love.
Magical enough to spread joy.
Meaningful enough to start a conversation.
And always, always worth saving.
These are Kodak Moments.
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