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Universiteti i Tiranes
Industritë që Universiteti i Tiranes përfshin
Sheshi Nene Tereza, Tirane
912 shikime
UT is the largest and highest ranking university in Albania. It includes eight colleges, 50 academic departments, and 41 study programs or majors. Most programs are offered in Tirana; a few smaller affiliated campuses are located in other Albanian cities, including Saranda in the south and Kukės in the north.
UT offers three-year Bachelor, one- or two-year Master, and three- to five-year doctorate degree programs, in accordance with the Bologna system.
More than 14,000 students attend UT. UT employs more than 900 faculty members.
The current campus is urban and decentralized. A new large and centralized campus has been planned in the southeast periphery of Tirana. Students dorms are grouped in a separate location called Student City (Qyteti Studenti) in southeast Tirana.
UT is the biggest college in Albania and the Balkans, and among the biggest in Europe with 35 000 students. In 2013 the college accepted 95 new Ph.D. students. These are students in possession of bachelor's degrees.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
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Prospect Center
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Planet Center Tirana
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Fjalėkalimi nuk ėshtė i saktė. Shkruani fjalėkalimin siē shihet nė fotografi dhe provojeni pėrsėri.
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Sharje dhe gjuhė agresive nuk lejohen nė Perspekti.