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Language Schools In Albania
Industritë që Language Schools In Albania përfshin
Rruga Bardhyl, Tirane
690 shikime
Language Schools In Albania offers many programs for the students to practice their English Language. These programs are based on LSIA's programs itself and programs due to the membership of People To People International. Language Schools In Albania's students have the possibility to communicate with Native English teachers, who come to teach in a scheduled time at LSIA to help our students not only learn the English language grammar, but also to make them speak fluently and gain confidence in their daily communication. 70 students from our Language Schools in Berat, Struga (Macedonia), Koplik and Gramsh are communicating with students of 11-13 years of age from a junior school in America. Their communication will continue for the year 2011 and stronger with more students in 2012. New pen pals will start this program for the upcoming months with Britain.
These programs are organized on annual base, and for those students who are interested in joining these activities, we would recommend to visit our Calendar page. Students from LSIA in Tirana will be notified for the upcoming events from their teachers.
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Sharje dhe gjuhė agresive nuk lejohen nė Perspekti.