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MAD Martinelli Architecture & Design
Industritë që MAD Martinelli Architecture & Design përfshin
Kompani Ndėrtimi
Netil House, 1 Westgate Street, London, United Kingdom
869 shikime
M.A.D. Martinelli Architecture and Design is a young London-based architecture and design studio founded by Chantal Martinelli in 2013.
We have a process-led design approach and an individual response to site and client. Each project varies in type, scale and complexity responding differently to constraints and opportunities.
We promote the development of an individual architectural, leaded by type and form as much by the user.
We aim to achieve excellence through design, exploring new materials and techniques, typologies and hybrids.
Current projects include new built residential, extensions and refurbishment, a restaurant, a boutique hotel and a mixed use scheme.
We also offer consulting services in Urban Planning and Design.
Our collaborators, from different backgrounds and experiences, bring richness and variety to the practice.
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