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Industritë që AFA FARMA përfshin
Farmaci & Mjeksi
Bardhok Biba, Tirane
1149 shikime
Afa Farma sh.p.k is a limited liability company founded for the purpose of providing high quality, full service distribution of pharmaceutical products throughout the country. The Company has operated as a wholesale distribution company since 2000.
In the first years of its activity Afa Farma has operated as a wholesaler for all the drugs registered in Albania from all worldwide companies, which includes mainly prescription drugs, OTC and medical devices. Also it was the exclusive company for the import, sale and promotion of some products from Greek companies.
Recently the company has transitioned from the strategy of being involved in multiple pharmaceutical products to a strategy of focusing its efforts in the distribution, promotion and sales of limited but quality products.
Afa Farma is currently working as a wholesaler and promoter of products from UK Alinter Group and some other companies.
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