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Dreams Luxury Suites
Industritë që Dreams Luxury Suites përfshin
Agjensi Turistike
Imerovigli Thira, Kikladhes, Greece
830 shikime
Dreams Luxury Suites is the place where style, opulence, and perfection meet a world of beauty and tradition. They represent a new concept of sanctuary with just four luxury suites that have a unique personality, and combine courteous and warm service with authentic tradition. The Suites were designed for the distinctive guest who is able to appreciate a singular kind of comfort, class, space and tranquility.
Our Luxury Suites, and the staff serving them are unique, and we are dedicated to making our guests feel unique too.
Each Luxury Suite is designed in the traditional Cycladic style, and has its own terrace with a Swimming Pool or Jacuzzi overlooking the Caldera and the Aegean Sea. Our Suites have stayed true to the original style of the Island and represent an inimitable sample of traditional Greek architecture. The privileged location of the Suites provide a nearly step free access.
These original houses were built more than 100 years ago, and renovated during 2007 by the talented local designer Francesca Tsempelis. They incorporate all possible modern amenities, while preserving the traditional architecture.
If you are dreaming of rest, relaxation and tranquility in a stunning setting with truly personal service, then we can make your dreams come true.
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