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Industritë që TOSCA BLU përfshin
Moda & Veshje
Sami Frashėri, Tiranė
805 shikime
In 1998 is created the TOSCA BLU brand, a line of handbags, together with shoes, belts and small leather goods, that has become, over the years, a completely exclusive total look. Tosca Blu is confirmed as a dynamic brand entirely reflecting the company's business strategy.
Many years experience of the mother company, it's young, enterprising management, and the unique nature and quality standards of the product, have allowed this brand to become established as a major player in the market. From the strong point of its successes obtained
from matching its shoes with its handbags, the brand is challenging the market again with its promotion of Tosca Blu Shoes, a line dedicated entirely to women's shoes.
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