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Yunus Social Business Balkans
Industritë që Yunus Social Business Balkans përfshin
Shėrbime Biznesi
Rruga e Bogdanėve, Tiranė
578 shikime
YSB offers two core initiatives to grow our social businesses:
1. Financing Services through Investment Fund for Social Businesses
2. Entrepreneurial Services through Accelerator Program
YSB offers investments for social businesses in the range of 50,000 to 500,000 EUR that have begun to generate revenue and are ready to grow. Funding is provided in the form of shareholder loans that have to be repaid at better-than-market conditions in 6-10 years (depending on the business).
Through Accelerator Program we also provide non-financial support including mentoring, coaching, access to markets, and a global network of partners such as Airbnb, Singularity University and Deutsche Bank.
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Yunus Social Business Balkans
YSB offers two core initiatives to grow our social businesses:
1. Financing Services through I...
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