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Hermes Tirana Hotel
Industritë që Hermes Tirana Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Vaso Pasha, Tiranė
926 shikime
The hotel is arranged on three floors, with a lift.On the ground floor, apart from the reception, there is a comfortable lounge where you can sit and drink tea, or just read an interesting book. There is also a splendid terrace, where, you can relax and immerge yourself from morning onwards in the atmosphere of Tirana day and night life, watching the city travelling and people gathering together and filling the alleyways and little squares with their joy. The rooms are arranged on the first, second and third floors. On the top floor, there is also a delightful terrace or solarium available for the use of guests, from where you can enjoy moments of peace and the song of the birds.
The buffet breakfast is served in the lounge on the ground floor, and also in the little patios during the spring and summer months.
The hotel provides a free Wi-Fi service.
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