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Duff Sports Bar
Industritë që Duff Sports Bar përfshin
Lokale & Klube
Brigada VIII, Tirane
780 shikime
The only American Sports Bar in the city.
Through good beer, a warm environment and nice American music Duff is all you can wish for and more in a bar. If you are up for a nice conversation with good music in the back than Duff is your place to be! If you want to have a good beer during weekdays or a great American Burger than Duff is where you are supposed to go. It is the only place in Albania that offers the possibility to play the famous game of Beer pong. It also the only bar that shows live american sports such as NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL.
Duff distinguishes itself from the other bars from its products and cozy hospitality of the staff. It is definitely the place to feel safe and warm. The only preoccupation needed is what drink I should order next!
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