Perspekti - New Media Communications Media & Publikime Tirane
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New Media Communications

Industritë që New Media Communications përfshin

Media & Publikime

Detajet e kontaktit


Kompleksi Usluga, Tirane
597 shikime


New Media Communications is the successor of Laborator Komunikimi, an advertising agency that was founded in October 2007. The 2 co-owners had a long experience in advertising (creative & media) as individuals, so then after they decided to get together and invest on creating the agency.

With it's long experience in a young and fast-growing market, New Media Communications is the leading provider of interactive media solutions and advertisement consulting in Albania.

Our staff consists of incredibly talented and dedicated individuals who are passionate about what they do. We provide an unmatched level of communication, reliability and professionalism to our rapidly growing client base

We work for proven results. We do this by strategically analyzing your target market and competitors, building an effective campaign platform, and executing our plan of action with seamless integrity.

Our Philosophy strives to effectively promote our clients' image, service or product through strategic marketing and media delivered on time and on budget. This dedication, combined with creativity, energy and excellent client service consistently produces measurable results.
Our approach to marketing and media is simple. We do our homework. We always try to base the creative on solid information gathered from the client, from market research, from our creative talent and from our years of marketing experience. The result is winning creative with a delivery plan that works to build an image, increase sales or introduce new products for our clients.

In short, to get you noticed.

At New Media Communications, we think of our clients as partners. We understand that in working together, we can all be successful by utilizing hard-hitting, research-based communications.

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