Perspekti - Albanian Business Partner Shėrbime Kompjuterike Tirane
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Albanian Business Partner

Industritë që Albanian Business Partner përfshin

Shėrbime Kompjuterike

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Myslym Shyri, Tirane
1079 shikime


Albanian Business Partner sh.p.k was founded in 2010 with main area of activities in web design and development, software, IT solutions and Consulting services.
It is located in Tirana, Albania. It has 5 years in business and already a key player in the web and digital marketing. Local Partner of a few well-known European companies like ASTRAIA Software GMBH, Engineering Informatica S.p.A, etc.
During these 5 years we has successfully managed to deliver services through Albanian territory but not only, by serving both private and governmantel markets in health care, education and civil society. One of our greatest accomplishments is the implementation of astraia software in the two Obstetric - Gynaechology University Hospitals of Tirana, "KOCO GLIOZHENI" and "Mbreteresha Geraldine" followed by 3 other the Regional big city hospitals and afterwards by several clinics and hospitals throughout Albania.
Another high level project has been the Implementation of the Network Infrastructure of the University "Aleksandėr Xhuvani" in Elbasan followed by the development of the Education Management System. A web database aplication that manages all the university data.Recently, as part of our dedication to our clients and special care for every projetc we are rewarded with a two year exlusive contract to manage the Online Comunication Marketing Channels for Balfin Group and all its companies. Balfin is the bigest finacial group national wide and it feel great to be the ones trusted to deliver our expertise for all the required projects.
As part of the market demand and especially of requests from our clients we have extended our range of services in other complementary subjetc as Brand Identity, social media communication, digital marketing, consulting and much more.

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