Detajet e biznesit janė dėrguar me email tek emaili i zgjedhur nga ju.
Detajet e biznesit nuk janė dėrguar me email tek emaili i zgjedhur nga ju. Ju lutem provojeni pėrsėri ose kontaktoni Perspekti.
Ju lutem shtoni emailin tuaj dhe emailin e shoqėrisė dhe detajet e kėtij biznesi do ju dėrgohet shoqėrisė juaj nga Perspekti.
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Industritë që AlbGate përfshin
Shėrbime Biznesi
Perlat Rexhepi, Tirane
823 shikime
AlbGate Properties was established as a private residential leisure and commercial developer in Albania and Middle East. As a leading real estate developer, strives to provide dream homes and unique living concepts to our customers.
From the selection of its development partners such as architects, designers and contractors, to the handover of keys, the Company endeavours to keep its promise to make sure every detail is flawless.
Only by operating this way can the company guarantee a track record of delivery for customers to help realize its goal of being the leading developer in Albania and the region.
For every service you might need, do not hesitate to contact us!
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