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Nissan Albania
Industritë që Nissan Albania përfshin
Automjete & Pjesė
29 Nėntori, Perballe Ish Doganes, Tirane
6063 shikime
Shitje automjetesh, pjesė kėmbimi dhe servis i autorizuar pėr automjetet e markave: Renault, Nissan dhe Dacia.
Disa informacione tė vlefshme mbi grupin Nissan (jemi tė detyruar qė t'i publikojmė nė gjuhėn origjinale, ashtu si janė bėrė publike nga Nissan):
Nissan Motor Company Ltd, usually shortened to Nissan, is a Japanese multinational automaker headquartered in Japan. It was a core member of the Nissan Group, but has become more independent after its restructuring under Carlos Ghosn (CEO).
It formerly marketed vehicles under the "Datsun" brand name. As of 2011, the company's global headquarters is located in Nishi-ku, Yokohama. In 1999, Nissan entered a two way alliance with Renault S.A. of France, which owns 43.4% of Nissan while Nissan holds 15% of Renault shares, as of 2008. Along with its normal range of models, Nissan also produces a range of luxury models branded as Infiniti.
Renault-Nissan Alliance
The future of the car, be it electric or combustion-powered, will demand advanced technologies and extensive infrastructure. To secure the skills and resources to pursue its ambitions, Renault is placing the emphasis on long-term synergies and strategic partnerships. The Renault-Nissan Alliance has demonstrated the relevance of this strategy for more than 14 years.
In 2012, the Renault-Nissan Alliance sold a record 8.1 million units in 2012, up about 1 % from 2011, and the fourth straight annual increase. The Renault-Nissan Alliance captured about 10 % of the global market in 2012. Together, Renault and Nissan ranked as the No. 4 car group in terms of worldwide sales. Nissan sold 4.94 million units worldwide, up 5.8 %. Renault sold 2.55 million units, down 6.3 %, due to the European downturn. AVTOVAZ, owner of the Lada brand, sold 606,778 units, down 5.7 %.
With the signing of an agreement in Tokyo on March 27, 1999 the Renault-Nissan Alliance was created and Renault took a 36.8% equity participation in Nissan.
The aim of this strategic partnership was to create a world-class group, able to meet the challenges of the globalization of markets. Its success depends upon important synergies in terms of product strategy, platforms, powertrains and purchasing, and the geographic complementarity of the two carmakers.
On October 30, 2001 the development of the Renault-Nissan group moved into a new phase with the announcement of cross-shareholdings and of the creation of a new joint management company.
On March 1, 2002 Renault therefore raised its stake in Nissan to 44.3% and Nissan invested a stake of 13.5% in Renault on March 29, 2002. Nissan raised its stake to 15% on May 29, 2002.
Now, Renault holds a 43.4% stake in Nissan, while Nissan owns 15% of Renault shares. Each company has a direct interest in the results of its partner. A strategic management company, Renault-Nissan b.v., was founded on April 17, 2002 to define a common strategy and manage synergies. It was created under Dutch law and is jointly and equally owned by the two partners. Renault-Nissan b.v. is responsible for the management of two joint companies, RNPO (Renault Nissan Purchasing Organization) and RNIS (Renault-Nissan Information Services), which are charged with optimizing the purchasing strategies and information systems of the Alliance.
Renault-Nissan b.v. hosts the Alliance Board of Directors. Chaired by Carlos Ghosn, it is composed of three Renault directors and three Nissan directors (permanent members). It steers the Alliance's medium- and long-term strategy and coordinates joint activities on a worldwide scale.
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Komentet (1)
Pershendetje dua te pyes se a keni Motor NISSAN QASHQAI 2.0 DCI te perdorur ne shitje ju lutem me informoni me Respket
- almedin, Rahovec-(Kosov), 18-01-2019 15:06
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