Perspekti - Dream Creators Albania Dasma & Evente Tirane
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Dream Creators Albania

Industritë që Dream Creators Albania përfshin

Dasma & Evente

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705 shikime


Providing affordable and flexible photography solutions for all occasions.
Dream Creators Albania was established in 2013. Focusing on our three passions we developed three separate divisions to encapsulate Life and Love.

We believe that all special events in life should be cherished for the future. So easily in the hustle and bustle to organize important events we find ourselves overwhelmed living in the moment as it happens then discovering afterwards nobody was really there to capture the atmosphere, happiness, joy and raw emotion that was evident at the time. Whether it be a child event (birth of child, birthday, christening, child's first day at school), family event (birthday party, engagement party, family gathering) or special occasion (wedding, funeral) we are there to capture it all as it unfolds.

How many times have you thought to yourself. I'll get to it one day; yet one day turns into one year, then another and before you know it your family has grown up and you have little photographic evidence of those lost years. Our Love photography services capture maternity, newborn, child, teen, single, couple, family and pet portraits. As with our Life photography division, we provide you with professional images able to be preserved for generations to come. Affordable all inclusive packages with the option of digital, print or canvas products enable you to select a package to meet your individual needs.

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