Perspekti - Vitra Artikuj Shtėpish Switzerland
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Industritë që Vitra përfshin

Artikuj Shtėpish

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Klunenfeldstrasse 22, 4127 Birsfelden, Switzerland
678 shikime


Creating innovative products and concepts with great designers is Vitra's essence.

They are developed in Switzerland and installed worldwide by architects, companies and private users to build inspirational spaces for living, working and shopping as well as public areas. With its classics Vitra represents groundbreaking 20th century design. Today, in combining technical and conceptual expertise with the creativity of contemporary designers, Vitra seeks to continue pushing the boundaries of the design discipline.

A family business for eighty years, Vitra believes in lasting relationships with customers, employees and designers, durable products, sustainable growth and the power of good design.

The Vitra Campus with buildings by some of the world's leading architects and the Vitra Design Museum with its exhibitions on design and architecture, design archives and a comprehensive furniture collection are all part of Vitra. They inspire visitors, inform the design process and create an atmosphere in which innovation flourishes.

The Vitra Home Collection encompasses furniture, lighting and accessories for private interiors, including such well-known classics as the Eames Lounge Chair and the Panton Chair, as well as numerous pieces by contemporary designers. The Vitra Home Collection follows the principle of collage - the idea that a vibrant living space is not achieved by conforming to a unified plan, but rather gains character through a mix of old and new, high and low, classic and contemporary.

For more than fifty years, Vitra has developed office furniture that is innovative, functional and aesthetically appealing. The role of the office has grown in importance over the years, with intelligent spatial solutions making a significant contribution to the identity and success of today's companies. Vitra works closely with the client to devise tailored interior concepts that help reconcile the growing demands of daily life -
acceleration, technological progress and social change - with the individual corporate culture of the company. For Vitra the furnishing and design of offices, alongside public spaces such as airports and hotels, provides a welcome opportunity to demonstrate the positive impact of design.

Ever since Vitra began to produce furniture designs by George Nelson and Charles and Ray Eames in the 1950's, the company has also devoted its attention to the outfitting of public spaces. Vitra regards the furnishing of public interiors - in airports and train stations, in cultural and educational institutions, or in cafes, restaurants and hotels - as a welcome opportunity to demonstrate the positive influence of design.

Vitra has its roots in the shopfitting business. Acting as a partner to retail businesses for over eight decades, Vitra has helped to increase the attractiveness, quality and productivity of sales areas. Vitra develops and implements customised shop concepts around the globe for many prominent brands and other international clients. The intelligent shopfitting and display systems by Vitra are also utilised in smaller retail locations. Together with the lighting solutions of the subsidiary Ansorg, they are a proven and effective means of defining and enhancing sales areas.

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