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Muzeu Historik Kombetar
Industritë që Muzeu Historik Kombetar përfshin
Sheshi Skenderbej, Bulevardi Zogu I, Tirane
1039 shikime
Muzeu Historik Kombėtar synon tė nxisė mirėkuptimin dhe vlerėsimin e historisė sė Shqipėrisė tek publiku vendor, kombėtar dhe ndėrkombėtar dhe tė inkurajojė dialogun me dhe midis qytetarėve, mbi tė kaluarėn, tė tashmen dhe tė ardhmen shqiptare. Pėr kėtė qėllim, ai pėrfton, ruan dhe studion, provat materiale dhe jo materiale tė trashėgimisė historike dhe kulturore tė Shqipėrisė, tė cilat i komunikon dhe i paraqet nė njė mjedis, qė nxit edukimin dhe kėrkimin shkencor nė fushėn e historisė, muzeologjisė dhe trashėgimisė kulturore. Ai organizon dhe mundėson gjithashtu aktivitetet, tė cilat pėrkrahin vizionin dhe misionin e tij.
"In the National Historical Museum, we aim to foster understanding and appreciation of the history of Albania diachronically, and of the role of Albania in world history, to local, national and international audiences. We encourage dialogue with and among all Albanian citizens on the past, present and future of the country. To this purpose, we acquire, conserve and research tangible and intangible evidence of the historical and cultural heritage of Albania, which we communicate and exhibit by stimulating education and entertainment. We take active part in national and international cultural networks and we organize activities which promote our vision and mission".
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Sheraton Tirana Hotel
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Vila Verde Beach Hotel
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Albtours D
Me nje eksperience mbi 20 vjecare ne fushen e turizmit, ju ofrojme jo vetem destinacionet me ek...
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