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Hilton Hotels & Resorts
Industritë që Hilton Hotels & Resorts përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
750 shikime
As the most recognized name in the industry, travelers all over the world have been saying Take me to the Hilton for almost a century. And because of our innovative approach to products, amenities and service, Hilton continues to be synonymous with hotel across the globe. Hilton Hotels & Resorts remains the stylish, forward thinking global leader of hospitality - and we help make traveling easier with our smart design, innovative restaurant concepts, authentic hospitality and commitment to the global community.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Hotel Princ
Princ Hotel is a new hotel in Mali Robit, It's a beautifull hotel with big rooms, comfortable b...
Blu Mare Restorant
Restorant Blu Mare eshte nje nga restorantet me te mira te gatimit italian n Durres.
Hotel Temali 2
Hotel Temali 2 eshte nie hotel ne buze te detit Adriatik, qe sherben hyrje komode e ambiente te...
Restorant 2 Aragostat
Koha per te shijuar ushqimin tuaj.
Gatime deti /Sea Foods.
Deluxe Hotel Tirana
I arreduar per t'ju sjell shijen e luksit dhe relaksit. Me nje arredim te menduar deri ne detaj...
Paradise Plaza Resort
Resorti Paradise ofron keto sherbime:
Salle Sheraton 500 vende per dasma, evente
Restorant 20...
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