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Splendor HOTEL & SPA
Industritë që Splendor HOTEL & SPA përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Rruga Nacionale Vlorė - Dhėrmi , Pranė Vilės Qeveritare Dhėrmi, Vlorė
1079 shikime
Welcome to the Place where you can have it all! A quiet oasis near one of the most beautiful beaches of the Ionian Sea Imagine a hotel, where the most important thing you are. A dream place in which guests get what they deserve. A place just for people who know what they really need. A place for those who love life. Discover a new universe, where anything can happen. Merging elements of nature of Dhermi and Llogara form one of the most unique natural paradise in the world.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Golden Kompleks
Golden Kompleks.
St.Nicolas Restaurant
Snt. Nicola Touristic Village is located in the north part of Dhermi beach, by the sea and near...
Pets & Partners shpk
Pet Hotel Tirana is A member of Pets & Partners Albania, International Pet Hospital in Tirana. ...
Areela Hotel
Slightly north of the action on an unpaved street and badly sign-posted to boot, locating the A...
Bel Conti Hotel
Hotel- Bar-Restorant Bel Kondi
"Nderthurja e arkitekturės klasike me atė moderne, e shtrirė nė...
Bar Restorant Serendipity TBP
"Serendipity The Mexican TBP" eshte nder restorantet me te rinj dhe moderne te hapur se fundmi ...
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