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Kompleksi Fafa
Industritë që Kompleksi Fafa përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Aksi rrugor Durres Kavaje, Mali i Robit, Durres
750 shikime
Perfect accommodation in the perfect place
FAFA Resort is located in the area of Mali I Robit, Kavaje - 15 km from Durres city center and 35 km from Tirana International Airport.
Located near the Adriatic Sea, with its own private beach, offers privileged opportunities to those who desire to experience a unique holiday with all the colors and chances of nature.
All the rooms have sea view or land view and are fully equipped with:
Air Conditioned,
Safe box,
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Hotel Rozafa
Hotel Rozafa gjendet ne qendėr te qytetit.
Hotel Perdja
Hotel Perdja: Vendi ku do te gjeni qetesine e munguar.
Propaganda Hostel
In a quiet corner of the Blloku and crammed full of dictatorship-era memorabilia including pick...
Sofra Turke Tirana
Gatimet e shijshme tė kuzhinės tradicionale turke serviren tashmė prej 16 vjetesh, nė Restorant...
Bianca Cafe & Restaurant
Bianca Cafe & Restaurant
Blu Mare Restorant
Restorant Blu Mare eshte nje nga restorantet me te mira te gatimit italian n Durres.
Komentet (0)
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Fjalėkalimi nuk ėshtė i saktė. Shkruani fjalėkalimin siē shihet nė fotografi dhe provojeni pėrsėri.
Shtoni komentin tuaj
Sharje dhe gjuhė agresive nuk lejohen nė Perspekti.