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Instituti i Studimeve Politike/Institute for Political Studies
Industritë që Instituti i Studimeve Politike/Institute for Political Studies përfshin
Tė tjera
Hoxha Tahsim, Sheshi Avni Rustemi, Tirane
727 shikime
ISP eshte organizate joqeveritare ne fushen e studimeve politike ne Shqiperi. Fokusi i saj kryesor eshte monitorimi i proceseve politike te tranzicionit, aktivitetit te institucioneve politike dhe kushtetuese, edukimi publik permes parimeve te transparences, pjesemarrjes, perfaqesimit dhe njohjes se koncepteve thelbesore per demokraci funksionale.
ISP (Albanian Institute of Political Studies) was created in 2007 in Tirana with the initiative of a group of researchers of culture, diplomacy, history, jurisprudence and media. Its aim is to affirm important issues in the fields of state and albanian society, creating a column of publications and studies, as well as identification of specific aspects of heritage and political thought, historical and cultural in Albania.
The first inaugural activity of the ISP was the conference with the participation of the well known British scholar Noel Malcolm held in Tirana in 2007. At this meeting the author of the most famous book about Kosovo in a foreign language, discussed in a panel of eminent Albanian personalities, including two Presidents of the Republic, several former ministers, scholars of history and culture, of media and national security.
The first project in the field of publishing, with the publication, in 2007, of the book about the history of political parties in Albania from 1920 to 2006. Publication authored by researcher Afrim Krasniqi was the first of its kind and of this kind of problematic and makes one of the publications of political studies that followed in subsequent years, about political parties, civil society, elections and electoral systems, government systems, etc.
The project titled "Lawyer of science against plagiarism " is based on the German model of the institution of lawyer of science and aims to increase public transparency on scientific work that are certified by our academic institutions and the Ministry of Education and Sports. Because the charges of plagiarism have been dominant in debates about the quality of scientific work, ISP has taken the initiative of monitoring the process of publication, certification and evaluation of advanced scientific works, especially doctoral works.
ISP project on " Monitoring of Parliamentary life in Albania" brings a new monitoring methodology that unites activity of analysis and parliamentary publications through the parliamentary supervision of its own citizens and experts of parlamentary studies.
Unlike so far formal reports, ISP aims to bring in Albania the western model of parliamentary observation through the citizen point of view and building direct communication bridges between the elected and electors.
The objectives of this project are:
1.Te help in strengthening the political culture and knowledge of parliamentarism in Albania.
2.To stimulate a transparent system of communication between MPs and their constituents on issues related to parliamentary and civic problems.
3. To analyze actual parliamentary and historical process to provide recommendations to improve the quality of the parliamentary activity.
4.Te increase the confidence of the parliament through a transparent system of disclosure policies and procedures followed in the parliament, in relation to the regulation, electoral programs and civic expectations.
The project of "Building a virtual museum in memory of the victims of the crimes of communism titled" is another project of ISP and the Museum of Memory is a virtual museum, which offers historical, economic, and philosophical analysis of the dictatorial system in Albania. Also, it represents a picture illustrated with photos, facts and evidence for the crimes of communism and places of politic detention. This project responds to the need to honor the victims of communism and the need to inform Albanians around the world and a new generation about crime, punishment, or the prisons of the communist dictatorship in Albania.
Over the years other activities are recorded in the appropriate fields, especially in referrals and participation in international conferences, as well as in the field of publications and international reports about the developments in Albania. ISP cooperates with several internationally recognized organizations, including Fredoom House, Bestelman Sttiftung, Transparency International, etc.
The Institute has its own official website on the Internet: where you can find all the activity performed by the organization and its staff members.
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