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Detajet e biznesit nuk janė dėrguar me email tek emaili i zgjedhur nga ju. Ju lutem provojeni pėrsėri ose kontaktoni Perspekti.
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European Forum for Democracy and Solidarity
Industritë që European Forum for Democracy and Solidarity përfshin
Shėrbime Shtetėrore
1000 BH, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
570 shikime
The European Forum aims to contribute to the development of (social) democracy in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and the Caucasus
A platform for co-operation between social democratic parties and political foundations
Company Overview:
A platform for co-operation between social democratic parties and political foundations
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Nderhyrja e Shpejte/Fast Intervention
Nderhyrja e Shpejte/Fast Intervention.
Departamenti i Policise Kruje
Departamenti i Policise Kruje/ Police Department Kruje.
Agjencia pėr Zhvillim Rajonal 4
Mė datė 23.08.2016 ėshtė krijuar me seli nė Vlorė, Agjencia pėr Zhvillimin Rajonal 4 (AZHR 4) e...
Fondi i Sigurimit tė Detyrueshėm tė Kujdesit Shėndetėso...
Skema e sigurimeve shendetesore u krijua ne baze te Ligjit Nr. 7870, Date 13.10.1994 "Per Sigur...
Embassy of Switzerland
As the official representation of Switzerland, the Embassy covers all matters concerning diplom...
Qendra Burimore e Teknologjisė, sė Informacionit dhe Komunikimit Protik ėshtė njė organizatė jo...
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Fjalėkalimi nuk ėshtė i saktė. Shkruani fjalėkalimin siē shihet nė fotografi dhe provojeni pėrsėri.
Shtoni komentin tuaj
Sharje dhe gjuhė agresive nuk lejohen nė Perspekti.