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Verde Bags & Accessories
Industritë që Verde Bags & Accessories përfshin
Moda & Veshje
Kilkis Street, Oreokastro Thessaloniki, Greece
877 shikime
VERDE is a highly developing import and trade company, which since the beginning of its foundation in Thessaloniki in early 1992 has managed to dominate as one of the leading companies in fashion throughout Greece and abroad.
During this period and following an increasing turnover, VERDE has accomplished a sales network with shops-corners in more than 2000 spots thought Greece and abroad.
To this success the following have contributed:
- The big variety of products such as bags, wallets, belts, shoes, scarves, gloves, shawls, hats e.t.c.
- The incomparable prices, the constant supply of new styles, the prompt delivery anywhere in Greece (24 hours delivery time after the order)
- The innovative designs of the collections.
Every season, the high standards of production control and quality of products and services to customers and associates as well as the advertising of the products in most fashion magazines create the perfect background for the establishment of VERDE name as the unique brand in fashion.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Kepuce Gjermane
Kepuce Gjermane
Elegant Shop Rosseti
Elegant shop for man
Extrabis Sh.p.k.
Extrabis Sh.p.k. eshte kompani lider ne fusheen e Sigurimit Teknik te punonjesve. Merret me inp...
Nerios Perde & Metrazhe
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GRASSI Albania sh.p.k.
Alfredo Grassi S.p.A. ha inaugurato nel 2014 la societa Albanese Liberest SHPK con uno stabilim...
LABO sh.p.k.
LABO Sh.p.k. eshte firme me eksperience ne prodhimin e veshjeve.
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