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Allan Lloyds
Industritë që Allan Lloyds përfshin
Shėrbime Biznesi
623 shikime
Allan Lloyds is the world's leading provider of niche business conferences across the Banking, Pharma, Telecom, Retail and Energy industries.
We believe in quality over quantity, and our conferences are tailor-made to fill the holes in the market. In our business knowing our clients' needs is paramount.
Through extensive research with, and direction from, Fortune 500 companies we strive to ensure that our clients are provided with the business intelligence to drive their companies forward.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Studio Permbarimore Justitia
Shoqėria Pėrmbarimore Justitia
Ėshtė njė shoqėri tregtare, e konsoliduar nė formėn e njė Studi...
Info-Telecom Albania
INFO-Telecom is a licensed electronic communications operator in Albania, providing Retail and ...
R&T sh.p.k.
R&T sh.p.k. e ka nisur aktivitetin nė vitin 1995 dhe ėshtė pėrfshirė gjerėsisht nė Punė Civile/...
Telekom Albania
Telekom Albania SH.A. (Also known as T-Mobile) is a telecommunication company that operates in ...
EDU Employment Center
EDU TOURS & EMPLOYMENT CENTER eshte nje agjensi Turizmi dhe Punesimi.
iMedia Group
I-Media Group, una societa di forte crescita e di dinamismo offre delle opportunita ai giovanni...
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Sharje dhe gjuhė agresive nuk lejohen nė Perspekti.