Perspekti - Yunus Social Business Balkans Shėrbime Financiare Tirane
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Yunus Social Business Balkans

Industritë që Yunus Social Business Balkans përfshin

Shėrbime Financiare

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571 shikime


Yunus Social Business Balkans (YSBBalkans) accelerates and finances social businesses that address pressing society's social problems in a financially sustainable way. YSBBisco-founded by Nobel Peace Laureate,Professor Muhammad Yunus,and is part of Yunus Social Business (YSB) - Global Initiatives and the Grameen family of social businesses.Building on Prof. Yunus successes, YSB's goal is to sustainably solve social problems through supporting and fostering the establishment of SBs worldwide. YSB does this through provision of entrepreneur services (i.e. acceleration and incubation programs, mentoring, coaching, etc.) and provision of financing support.
YSB Global Initiatives (with main office in Frankfurt, Germany) is active in 12 countries where more than 50 local investment professionals. In the last five years YSB has supported over 700 entrepreneurs, invested around 10 M USD in 45 companies, which already support over 15,000 incomes and serve more than 1.5 million clients with essential products and services in emerging and developing countries.At YSB Balkans (with its office located in Tirana, Albania),we are currently a team of fourfull time people, plus volunteers, with backgrounds in strategy consulting, entrepreneurship, civil society and international development, whosource, screen, support and invest in promising social businesses with a strong impact- and business model.

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