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Iliria Internacional Hotel
Industritë që Iliria Internacional Hotel përfshin
Hotele & Restorante
Porta e Detit, Plazhi Iliria , Durres
697 shikime
The hotel offers 24 rooms, all with balconies, 6 family-rooms, 9 double and 9 matrimonial ones in luxurious conditions, where you can enjoy the wonderful view of the long Durresi coast.
All rooms are uniquely furnished. They are equipped with mini bar, telephone, TV, air conditioning, shower etc.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Orka Restorant
Fresh Sea Food.
Areela Hotel
Slightly north of the action on an unpaved street and badly sign-posted to boot, locating the A...
Tiku & Mato Restaurant
Tiku & Mato is a Seafood Restaurant in Dhermi.
Sofra e Shpatit
Bar-Restorant "SOFRA E SHPATIT"
Ju mirepret me gatime tradicionale te zones se shpatit dhe te ...
Hotel Albi
Hotel Albi.
Hotel Es-Comfort
Hotel Es-Comfort, vendi ku gjeni rehatine e duhur per te pushuar.
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