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Ritech Solutions
Industritë që Ritech Solutions përfshin
Shėrbime Kompjuterike
2093 shikime
Ritech Solutions is a creative, hardworking, and value conscious design and development partner for your web and mobile technology solutions. From ideation through development and on-going support, our team of onsite and remote marketing innovators, designers, developers, application experts and platform engineers, seek to delight you and exceed your quality and cost expectations. Based in the delightful, historic Gastown District in Vancouver, Canada with delivery locations in Seattle, Indianapolis, and Miami along with highly integrated offshore development teams in Eastern Europe, Ritech Solutions brings you a combination of originality, responsiveness and value that allow you to save time and money, while never compromising your project's quality.
Pėlqeni dhe shpėrndani
Kompani dhe biznese tė ngjashme
Facilization sh.p.k.
Facilization SHPK ėshtė njė biznes lider nė konsulencė dhe shėrbim i cili operon nė Shqipėri du...
6-10-2016 shpk shpk is a web design, hosting, and IT solutions company, which has been providing...
Net Media
Net Media ėshtė themeluar nė mars tė vitit 2000 nė qytetin e Gjilanit - Kosovė, Evropė. Kompani...
Nder realizimet kryesore nder vite permendim:
Instalime te Sistemeve te Alarmit dhe CCTV ne ...
Software developement
Jeta Group
The Company is founded with a philosophy to target entrepreneurial recruitment professionals wi...
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Sharje dhe gjuhė agresive nuk lejohen nė Perspekti.